Over the next few weeks I will be posting some interesting and important details about the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which is expected to come into force around the middle of 2018 and I want coaches to be prepared well in advance. I don’t think there are many of the changes which will affect the micro coach business although there may be some which affect business coaches. There could be coaching opportunities for the business coach in the form of coaching companies and organisations in readiness for the GDPR.
I will be looking at some of the changes and how you can prepare yourself, your business and if you are a business coach, how to seize the opportunity. So for today I am simply looking at awareness. I am assuming that if you are a life coach or business coach you have already registered with the ICO (Information commissioner’s office). I know all the life and business coaches who trained with me on the Achievement Specialist’s Life coaching diploma will be aware of the requirements and will have registered within the first couple of weeks of attending the workshop part of the coaching diploma course as I discuss the importance of registering, the how to register and the cost. Fledgling life coaches are then encouraged to put a date in their calendars to do this. However, if you are reading this and did not train with me then there is a good chance you do not know about your responsibilities or you have forgotten about it, or your training provider did not encourage you to take action (a life coach creed – taking action).
Today’s Action: Make sure you have registered and if not, here is the link www.ico.org.uk/for-organisations/data-protection-reform/