I love spring as for me it represents all the aspects of Life Coaching at its best. Spring delivers sunshine and showers, the yin and yang of life. It is the sunshine combined with the showers which create the environment for new growth and because of all this new growth the animals start reproducing to maximise the opportunities of great abundance of food.
This has for me, huge resemblance to life coaching; Spring and Life Coaching are full of energy, opportunities and new growth. Most people are excited when Spring arrives as it brings with it new life in all its forms and I always feel the same excitement when I am coaching my clients. Usually when a client comes to me for coaching they are stuck and lacking in energy or direction. Just like being at the end of winter, the joys and excitement of Christmas and New Year are long gone and the days are still short, grey and cold.
Spring sunshine brings out the best in people, it invigorates, it warms, it lifts human spirits and provides the energy and impetus to take action. Life coaching does the same, it brings out the best in people, it energises clients, it lifts their spirits and confidence and it gives them the impetus to take action. It warms both he client’s and the coach’s hearts.
Spring also brings Read More