It is easy to forget that you are in charge. Remember to update your business plans regularly. This does not mean that you have to re-do the complete business plan. It means that when you know you have completed a project or a major task you then put aside 10 minutes to re-assess where you are with your overall business goals. If you find that you are on target and still have many more projects to do, simply tick the box and continue. If you notice that there are gaps in the overall plan you can decide how much time will be needed to consider the projects or goals needed to keep you on track and then schedule the time to do this. This action will keep you in the driving seat rather than finding out at the end of the year you have taken a wrong turn and wasted time, energy and money going down the wrong way.

Wealth Generation
March 20, 2017

When setting your marketing goals remember to research your target market first. Think along the lines of, where they shop, what they read and how they interact with the world.
When putting your life coach or business coach marketing together think about what you can do for the reader (avoid what you cannot do), such as, save or make them money, save or make them more time, make them more efficient,etc. Extra coach marketing tip – do not put too much into it, keep your message simple and clear.
Remember to always include how they can get in touch with you, contact details, logo, groups you belong to and other important information.
July 10, 2016
‘I attended a business seminar several years ago and the keynote speaker began his presentation by asking what we thought was the most important thing to consider when starting a business. He wrote all the suggestions on a flip chart. Then, he took a red pen and scrawled ‘No!’ right across them all. When he announced that the first thing we should all have was a ‘get-out plan’, there was a stunned silence, broken by a few laughs from those who thought he was joking. But, he was absolutely serious.
Without wishing to depress you, it has been said that there are only three absolute certainties in life. These are birth, death and taxes. The same applies to your business venture. The big difference is that you can control and plan for its virtual death, just as you did for its birth, and to minimise your tax bills. By virtual death I simply mean that the original founder (you) decides to dispose of the business for whatever reason.’ Quote from The Business Coaching Handbook
What are your options?
Your first step must be to consult a solicitor, an accountant and a qualified financial adviser and your prime objective is to gain maximum benefit whilst reducing your potential tax liabilities.
Here are somethings you might consider Read More
April 19, 2016
International Fully Accredited Coaching Diploma Level 7
I no longer publish the Special Achievement Newsletter and as a farewell gift I have a great offer for all my readers as a huge thank you for taking your valuable time to read the newsletter and my blog and for your interest in life coaching. I promote referral systems as one of the many ways of building your coaching business and I walk my talk. So here is the offer:
If you refer someone to the Silver or Gold Option Diploma and they purchase a Silver or Gold Option place on any course date this year, you will be awarded £150, on the condition that you send an email to the office with the person’s name along with their email address and this is received prior to the person booking the course with us. ON TOP of this we will give the referee (person you recommend) £150 OFF their course providing they state that they were referred by you either on registering with us or when booking their course with us. This offer ends on close of business June 30th 2016, is subject to our T&C’s and is not available on the Distance Learning Diploma.
April 17, 2015

Before being diagnosed with terminal cancer I was seen as a high achiever and one to strive to earn more, keep more, have more. It is interesting that during this period in my life I thought I was happy. That is to say I was invited to the right parties, wore expensive designer clothes, went to the openings and right shows, entertained at the ‘in’ restaurants, drove the right car, you get the picture!
Then life threw me two brilliant curve balls. The first was Read More