Tag cancer free
June 12, 2017

Had a lovely interview with Tony Bridge on Bolton FM radio https://www.boltonfm.com/ this morning. We discussed my latest book #Achievement: Cancer Free For 20 Years and he was a true professional as was obvious in his research. We discussed the cancer journey, the daily dozen I use to keep healthy and the new cancer recovery programmes I am now offering. https://www.curlymartin.com
He fully understood that the book not only covers the conventional treatment but also covers alternative therapies and is inspiring and uplifting as was his interviewing technique.
June 2, 2017

I know it is predominately an American day but What a great idea having a day to celebrate all the people who have been diagnosed with cancer and survived. I believe, you have to have had a terminal diagnosis to fully understand the devastation caused by such news. Once the shock of the information has settled there is the surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy to contend with. Not to mention the strains cancer puts on all relationships and employment.
If you are a cancer survivor take the time to CELEBRATE YOUR SUCCESS!
March 7, 2017

Chapter Twenty Excerpt
Daily Dozen Number 2
There are certain things that I do on a regular basis and although I have shared most of them with you throughout the book I wanted to put the things which I think are important in the maintenance of my #health in one chapter so you can easily find them. The daily dozen is not the whole picture of how I dealt with the #cancer diagnosis – it is only the 12 things I do now on a regular basis, 23 years later. The order of the daily dozen is not significant for me; I just do them in no particular order of importance, every day or once a week. Here is number 2 in the daily dozen list
Vitamins and minerals – I supplement my diet with vitamins and minerals. I know there are scientific studies which say that if you eat a balanced diet you do not need them. The challenge is that I cannot be sure the food I eat has been grown in soil which has all the nutrients I need. There is a strong possibility my balanced diet will be lacking in something. So I take a multi vitamin/mineral supplement every day to act as a back-up to the food I eat.
At the same time I take a 1000 milligram tablet of Vitamin C. Vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin which the body does not store and cannot make. I have to consume it. It is essential for healing wounds, it is also an antioxidant, supporting my immune system, and it forms part of the absorption of iron facilitation within my body.
I also take selenium because, like Vitamin C, it is essential for my body and my body does not make it. There is a lot of scepticism about the benefits of taking selenium only the information I read stated that there was not sufficient selenium in soil these days and being a non-meat eater I would have less in my food. So I take tablets to supplement.
I take various other supplements depending on the changes of my state of health. I am at the time of writing this blog about #cancer reading a marvellous book Niacin The Real Story, Abram Hoffer PH.D.,Andrew W Saul PH.D, Harold D. Foster PH.D. I am finding it a fascinating read as niacin is vitamin B3 and this means it is also a soluble vitamin which is not stored in the body. The book explains the many ailments that taking niacin can remedy.
October 4, 2016

New book now available as a paperback as well as an EPUB and MOBI and 50% discount on the website. ‘A very interesting, amusing, and thought provoking book. A good, easy read. I love the fact that the author did not accredit her health and recovery to any one thing – but all the ‘little steps.’ Jackie Hammans
‘A lovely inspiring, uplifting and funny read. Reaffirms to seize the day, every day!’ Prue Gent
Throughout this book I will be telling you my story at each stage of my journey. What happened, how I handled it, the outcome (if applicable, or if it adds more information for you), what I was offered in the way of medical support, what I did, what extra things happened and any other titbits to inform and amuse you because as you will read here in the book, I believe humour is a great healer.