As I march my way through autumn, I realise the year has galloped away with me and I have not achieved all the things I started out to achieve. Now normally I would start to beat myself up about this lack of commitment to goals and achieving them. After all said and done, as life coaches we promote the setting of and achieving of goals as the mainstay of our activities as coaches. So how come I am not getting upset Read More

Tag relationships
May 8, 2014

In line with my own definition of good health, where am I now?
I realise this seems a strange thing to ask you to consider. The reason I ask is because we are all at different levels of health and for some of us good health would just mean being able to walk up the street without getting out of breath. For others it means being full of energy. You need to determine your own definition of health before you will know if you have it or not. Spend some time thinking about the answer and write it down in your note book.
You are what you eat!
There are many sayings about what we eat such as Read More
May 8, 2014

Time is your most important commodity. There, I have said it. You cannot afford to waste any time because it is not refundable. You cannot mortgage it or borrow it from someone else. You are given the same amount every day and, at the end of the day, it has gone.
Everyone has the same amount, it is what you do with it that is the important part. I am not suggesting that you currently waste time deliberately; it’s just that, as a business owner, you can easily become involved in the details and gradually create unhealthy processes, procedures and politics. These all absorb your time unproductively. Read More
May 8, 2014

This is a great tip that I use when confronted with difficult situations. It is the simplest technique you will learn in the Personal Success Handbook and yet it is one of the most powerful ones. It is called Low ‘n’ slow, and all you need to do is to speak in a very low tone and at a slower pace.
If you lower you tone by one or two levels you will disarm the situation. Determine your level of speaking normally and mark the level out of 10, where 10 is shouting and 0 is not speaking. Practice going up and down the scale until you know what number you speak at normally. Now all you do is lower your voice one to two levels. For example if you find your normal voice tone is level six on your scale then during confrontation or conflict, lower your tone by two levels. Use the same technique for your speed of speaking, with level 10 being nearly garbled it is so fast and 0 is not speaking. Read More