Reviews of Life Coaching Diploma

Here are a few of the reviews of the workshop part of my Level 7 Life Coach Diploma Course which was held last weekend.
“Excellent course and content. Great mix of practical and classroom work. Stretching and challenging FUN! Curly was brilliant and so was Kathrine. I am absolutely shattered! I am motivated to be the best coach I can be and I will always strive for excellence – Curly, you are an inspiration.” Excellent chosen in all review categories. B.C.
“Fantastic course, fast pasted. I am so glad I have chosen the Platinum. (This is the top option of the coaching diploma and she will be mentored by me for 6 months after the workshop.) Challenging, yet a very powerful course for those who are 100% committed.” Excellent chosen in all review categories. J.R.
“Curly so very useful and empowering. I have learnt so much the pace was perfect and the marketing session was really useful.” Excellent chosen in all review categories. L.R.
A fantastic learning experience! Thanks Curly and Kathrine.” Excellent chosen in all review categories. C.F.
“I thoroughly enjoyed the course, it was stimulating and inspiring.” Excellent chosen in all review categories. R.A.
Here are the topic we covered:-
Workshop Overview
Practical Coaching Activities – During this workshop you will experience 14 separate practical coaching sessions using the goals you prepared in PART 1. The sessions will be arranged in the following format:- being the coach, being coached and giving observational feedback on coaching. Using the highly effective ICANDO© coaching model. All of theses sessions will be supervised sessions and when you are the coach you will be coaching for 30 minutes each time. This does not include the coaching demonstrations.
Communication – You will take part in a listening assessment exercise to gauge your current listening abilities and given listening models and strategies to improve your listening skills. You will discover your questioning style and be offered alternatives to give you maximum flexibility when working with clients and thus avoiding the situation where do you do not know what to ask next. You are shown how to eliminate any unconscious negative language patterns and replace them with positive statements.
NLP communication skills for coaches, such as, representational systems, metaphoric linguistic models, meta language patterns, Milton language patterns, rapport building, clean language patterns, embedded language are also covered in this section.
Values – You will have your core values elicited using a Licenced values system and you will practice eliciting someone’s values. Values are the cornerstone to outstanding coaching and this system is licensed to you as part of the coaching diploma. You are free to use this powerful licensed tool with your clients which will elevate your coaching way above most of the competition. Other coach training organisations teach values but they do not have access to this 3 step system which sets our coaches apart from the crowd.
Marketing – During this section you will discover over 30+ benefits of life coaching which you can use to create your marketing and website. You will touch, see and discuss a myriad of marketing examples from corporate through SME (small, medium enterprises) to personal life coaching. You will use our methodology for deciding on your niche market and prepare your marketing strategy. You will learn how to promote and grow your Life Coaching practice through an exceptional networking, referrals and presentations system. You will be shown marketing strategies, including social network marketing, with the added extra, how to use QR codes in your marketing to increase your website traffic and profile. Learn about vision, mission and value statements. The marketing examples are available for you to look at, handle and ask about throughout the entire workshop. At the end of this session you will have a complete personalised niche marketing sphere of excellence.
Pricing Your Coaching – Decide on your pricing policy by choosing an approach best suited to your style from the easy to use pricing models. Learn about buying strategies and how they will have impact on your success as a coach. Find out how to adjust your own pricing strategy to match the buying strategies of your niche market clients so that you charge what they expect to pay!
Promoting your practice – You will discover how to promote your coaching practice using a minute to win it and a thirty second commercial process (which is a lot of fun!). You will have supervised practice of using the highly effective and simple to use, RABIT© model which we show you how to skilfully combine with a micro coaching session using your very own marketing and pricing strategies which you will have created on day one. You will discover the power of testimonials and referrals and learn a simple step-by-step process to make asking for them as easy and as much fun as child’s play. Design your own scripts to use in any promotional situation rather than using standard parrot scripts. NLP selling and marketing skills for promoting your practice, such as, representational systems, metaphoric linguistic models, meta language patterns, rapport building, clean language patterns, embedded language are also seamlessly incorporated in this section so that you experience NLP in action.
“I have had a fantastic time, learnt so much. The one thing that I wasn’t looking forward to, closing a sale, I enjoyed the most. This was because it removed barriers for me and gave me a strategy to use. Thank you.”Kim Furnish
Starting up in business – During this session you will learn about, Safety, Insurance, HM Revenue and Customs, PAYE, VAT, Pensions, Record keeping – Data Protection Act 1988, NDA’s (non-disclosure agreements), contractual agreements, Health & Safety, Sole Trading, Limited Liabilities, Partnerships, Audited accounts, Companies House and other aspects related to business set-up.
Beliefs – This is a life changing session! Not our words but the words of many of our delegates, some have said that this session alone was worth the course fee! You will discover some of your limiting beliefs and the price you have paid for believing in them. Using a powerful technique of decide, dismantle and replace you will construct powerful beliefs to support you at the start, during the growth and along the journey of becoming an outstanding life coach. You will learn the table top and suitcase methods of dismantling beliefs. The self-talk cycle combined with the 3 P statement model will give you a fast belief construction tool to use on yourself and with your clients.
Coaching circles – you will join a coaching circle at the end of the workshop; with someone to coach and someone to coach you with an observer to continue to give you structured feedback on you use of the coaching models, NLP techniques, language patterns, limiting beliefs, value elicitations etc.. You have to complete 50 coaching hours post workshop to qualify for the diploma and your coaching circle is the start of the process for you along with being given your Coaching Log Book.
Achievers Club access codes – at the end of the workshop you will be given your access code to the Achievers Club where you can ask questions of Mentors and other coaches, contribute to the discussions, download a myriad of documents to augment your learning, advertise your life coaching practice, upload your photograph and much, much more.
Distant learning manuals – you will receive your distant learning manual, your continuous professional development (CPD) manual and your starter kit. Depending on the option you invested in you will also receive all the multi-media products and coaching books and details of your private mentor.
Kathrine Smith has written her own blog on the event