Tag Achievement Specialists

Tag Achievement Specialists

Reviews of Life Coaching Diploma

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Here are a few of the reviews of the workshop part of my Level 7 Life Coach Diploma Course which was held last weekend.

“Excellent course and content. Great mix of practical and classroom work. Stretching and challenging FUN! Curly was brilliant and so was Kathrine. I am absolutely shattered! I am motivated to be the best coach I can be and I will always strive for excellence – Curly, you are an inspiration.” Excellent chosen in all review categories. B.C.

“Fantastic course, fast pasted. I am so glad I have chosen the Platinum. (This is the top option of the coaching diploma and she will be mentored by me for 6 months after the workshop.) Challenging, yet a very powerful course for those who are 100% committed.” Excellent chosen in all review categories. J.R.

“Curly so very useful and empowering. I have learnt so much the pace was perfect and the marketing session was really useful.” Excellent chosen in all review categories. L.R.

A fantastic learning experience! Thanks Curly and Kathrine.” Excellent chosen in all review categories. C.F.

“I thoroughly enjoyed the course, it was stimulating and inspiring.” Excellent chosen in all review categories. R.A.

Here are the topic we covered:-
Workshop Overview
Practical Coaching Activities – During this workshop you will experience 14 separate practical coaching sessions using the goals you prepared in PART 1. The sessions will be arranged in the following format:- Read More

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all my readers

Tags: , , , , , Health, Uncategorized
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I love this time of the year as for me it incorporates a review of the previous year and all the achievements, learning and challenges followed by the excitement of all the new ventures, goals and challenges I will face in the coming 12 months.
2016 has greater links with the previous year than any of the recent New Year periods. During 2015, I spent my free time writing a new book all about the 20 years plus of living since the cancer diagnosis. The book takes the reader from the moment of terminal diagnosis through the operation, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and the many alternative therapies which have helped me to survive and thrive since. There are some very funny bits in the book and as you will imagine because of Read More

Client Data on your mobile – is it safe?

Tags: , , , , , , , , Business, Coaching

We often forget that our mobile devices hold client information because we overlook the odd text or email which has been received on our mobile device.

Recent surveys have shown that 75% of mobile devices have information which is work based/sensitive stored on them and that nearly 50% of these devices are not encrypted with around 30+% not password protected.

Ask yourself this question,

‘Do I hold any information on my mobile devices which relates to my coaching business?’

If the answer to the above question is ‘yes’, the next and very important question is, Read More

The Law Of Three

Tags: , , , , , , , , Coaching, Tips
The Law of Three

The Law of Three

Colin Edwards and the Law of Three

Although is around ten years since I was last involved with magazine editing – or any other proper job for that matter – I still take an interest in the whole editing and publishing scene. This is how I learned about Trinity Mirror Digital research about readers’ attitudes.

Your awareness of their key findings could have a profound impact on improving the effectiveness of your print and on-line publicity material, whether you are a life coach, some other professional in independent practice or otherwise involved in business development. So, Ladies and Gentlemen, I offer you ‘The Magic of 300’!

People will only read an on-line item if it is around 300 words long. On most screens this allows them to see the beginning, middle and end of the piece in a single glance and then they can judge how long it will take to read it. There are exceptions, for instance, when readers have a keen interest in the subject matter. There is no need to do a word count if you keep in mind that a screen-full is about 300.

It takes around two minutes to Read More

You Choose To Believe Your Own Beliefs. Therefore You Can Choose To Change Them.

Tags: , , , , , , , , Book Extracts, Coaching
Life Coaching Handbook Bestseller

Life Coaching Handbook Bestseller

You Choose To Believe Your Own Beliefs. Therefore You Can Choose To Change Them.  Extract From The Life Coaching Handbook. Everything You Need To Be An Effective Life Coach, Chapter 4 Essential Coaching Beliefs.

Anthony Robbins says,

‘It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped’.

One of your key moments of decision is when you decide not to believe in limiting beliefs and then help your clients to do the same.
Here is a very powerful and easy way to change old habits and beliefs. Think of a person who you consider to be very skilful in what it is that you want to be able to do. Now model that person. Stand in front of a mirror (in private) and mimic the ways they hold their body, talk, laugh, breathe, move and anything else you can think of.
Consider how they get what they want, how they stand, sit, walk, gesticulate. Think about what they do that you currently do not do. Then ask this question, ‘What would you need to believe Read More

How to get clients to see the power of goal setting

Tags: , , , , , , , , Coaching, Tips

Yellow-DaisiesThis is the fastest activity I know, which is easy to use, quick to use and gives a powerful demonstration of the importance of goal setting. I use it on the workshop part of the Life Coaching Diploma IIC&M Level 7.

Let me prove this in a simple way so that you understand. Please do the things I ask of you without looking to the end of the activity. By following the instructions you will experience the power and speed of this exercise and then you will be congruent when you use it with your clients! Congruency is paramount to building rapport. So get yourself ready to do the activity – are you ready?

Part One
Think of the colour yellow.

Now look around you and find everything that is yellow. Look behind, to your sides, above and below. DO THIS VERY QUICKLY. Go on! Have a good look for YELLOW in the room.

Great now stop looking around and click to go to part two. Read More

Which Direction?

Tags: , , , , , , , , Coaching

Tarka-Trail-Sign-PostNon-Directional Coaching versus Directional Coaching within a Niche Market

I was asked recently (not by one of my trainees as they are told the answer on the course) how does non-directional coaching and directional coaching work when I have a niche market based on my expertise in running a successful small retail business?

My belief is that to be an outstanding coach you need the skills in both non-directional coaching and directional coaching. The challenge is that it is almost as easy as falling off a log to tell other people what to do. Stop now. (There you are I have just done it!) Really, stop for a minute and ask yourself

‘who recently have I told how to do something, or what they should do?’

Was it your ageing mother, your teenage children, your best friend who found herself in a dilemma? The list is endless. So you see, it is easy to tell people what to do and we are experts in doing it, and we do it all the time. Notice I did not say we are experts in what we tell them to do; only we are experts in telling people what to do.

It would follow then, that to be a niche coach who is  Read More

Coaching Steps and Core Values

Tags: , , , , , , , , Coaching
Coaching steps

Coaching steps

When I saw these steps to nowhere it started me on a journey of thoughts about life coaching. I thought about the many coaches (not trained by me) who are working with their clients, in all good faith, setting goals with action plans. Only they have not been taught about the importance of discovering each client’s core values before embarking on change work.

Like these beautiful rock steps, all full of promise and leading nowhere, the non-enlightened coach, who does not know his/her client’s core values, will be taking steps to nowhere. As will the coach who has taken the time to Read More