I was contacted by Sarah Maber a journalist as she was preparing an article for the Boots Health and Beauty magazine (November and December issue). The article is along the lines of how to reduce stress and delegate at Christmas and is called The More the Merrier!
Unfortunately, you cannot read the article on-line which means a trip to Boots to collect your copy. The good news is that the magazine is free.
In the article she says that you need to silence Read More
November 10, 2014
You Choose To Believe Your Own Beliefs. Therefore You Can Choose To Change Them. Extract From The Life Coaching Handbook. Everything You Need To Be An Effective Life Coach, Chapter 4 Essential Coaching Beliefs.
Anthony Robbins says,
‘It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped’.
One of your key moments of decision is when you decide not to believe in limiting beliefs and then help your clients to do the same.
Here is a very powerful and easy way to change old habits and beliefs. Think of a person who you consider to be very skilful in what it is that you want to be able to do. Now model that person. Stand in front of a mirror (in private) and mimic the ways they hold their body, talk, laugh, breathe, move and anything else you can think of.
Consider how they get what they want, how they stand, sit, walk, gesticulate. Think about what they do that you currently do not do. Then ask this question, ‘What would you need to believe Read More