As I march my way through autumn, I realise the year has galloped away with me and I have not achieved all the things I started out to achieve. Now normally I would start to beat myself up about this lack of commitment to goals and achieving them. After all said and done, as life coaches we promote the setting of and achieving of goals as the mainstay of our activities as coaches. So how come I am not getting upset Read More

Personal Success
August 28, 2014
If you are registered for my regular coaching newsletter you will know that I was taking part in the Marie Curie Walk 10 at Killerton House in Devon on the Bank Holiday weekend. The walk was organised for the Saturday evening. Starting at 6.30pm and culminating back in front of the house for picnics, music and fireworks. The fireworks are set off at 10pm to coincide with the Marie Curie nurses shift change time and this makes it more poignant.
It was a lovely evening, the weather was perfect and the walk was challenging without being a beast! If you like walking and you are looking for a good cause, I highly recommend Marie Curie Walk 10, as the volunteers are adorable, kind, funny, helpful and grateful. They are all local people giving up their time for us to enjoy our walks. There are still a couple of walks before the end of the summer so get yourself booked on and get fit, raise money and have fun!
August 1, 2014
It seemed like a great fun day out. Going to Sibleyback Lake and hiring a Segway adventure, little did I know at the time I would learn how to ride the machine and re-discover the power fear has to evoke negative beliefs.
A little bit of background I love cycling and a few years ago I had a very serious biking accident; I was airlifted to hospital and fed liquid morphine. I would show you the pictures, only they are so graphic, I still baulk when looking at them. I am now back in the saddle (not horse saddle as in the blog post, Insolvency & the Self-Employed) of my bike and riding 20+ miles along the cycle trails. Must have good balance to ride a bike, someone once said.
Segway looks like a benign activity and I was Read More
July 16, 2014
There are according to the Citizens Advice Bureau 4.55 million self-employed workers in the UK. I think this is great. I love it when someone takes the plunge and grasps the reins of their own destiny. The trick is being able to ride the self-employed horse into the beautiful sunset of a successful career and not falling off at the hurdle.
In my experience, most people when learning to ride a horse do not just jump on bare back and ride safely. Normally, new riders take lessons in not only how to ride but as importantly how to tack up (put the saddle on – the thingy you sit on) and how to maintain the tack so that it is safe to ride on. Also, as we are on the horsey theme, usually the horse has been broken-in (trained – not as in; thief – breaking into a horsebox) by a qualified and experienced trainer.
Over 19,000 self-employed people contacted the CAB in Q4 2013 regarding personal debt. Over 19,000 in one quarter of a year! This is mind blowing. Within that number there will be some coaches. I would expect the coaches who are in debt are Read More
July 4, 2014
One of my dearest friends and confidant has been working back to back. The curse and the joy of being self employed.
Let’s say for the minute you are self-employed. You enjoy the freedom of going from one company and contract to another. This offers variety and an infinitive number of new challenges and networks. Oh the joy this brings. It reminds me of a child in a sweet shop, so many choices and options. If you sort by difference or prefer options over procedure, this life is the perfect alternative to being an employee on a salary with one boss and the same ‘ole’ faces each day.
The thing is… Read More
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