Tag health
June 12, 2017

Had a lovely interview with Tony Bridge on Bolton FM radio https://www.boltonfm.com/ this morning. We discussed my latest book #Achievement: Cancer Free For 20 Years and he was a true professional as was obvious in his research. We discussed the cancer journey, the daily dozen I use to keep healthy and the new cancer recovery programmes I am now offering. https://www.curlymartin.com
He fully understood that the book not only covers the conventional treatment but also covers alternative therapies and is inspiring and uplifting as was his interviewing technique.
February 8, 2017

Whilst running the Life Coaching Diploma course last weekend sleep deprivation was suffered by a third of the attendees. Sleep is important for many reasons with rejuvenation and concentration being part of the long list. If you are not sleeping well this affects all other areas in your life. There are many sites and blogs about sleeping which i recommend you look at if you are suffering. Here is my take on the subject. Prepare for sleep. This means treat sleeping as the second most important thing in a day. The first being awake.
If I have not slept well and awake early, rather than lying in bed frustrated about the fact that I have not slept, I get up and get going, knowing that the following night (or the one after) I will sleep because I am tired.
Some of the things I do and don’t do
1. Treat my bed as a sanctuary from the daily demands
2. Calm my breathing and pay attention to relaxing
3. Remind myself that resting my body is part of the process
1. Eat or drink just before going to bed
2. Check my smart phone or tablet in bed
3. Worry about not sleeping – rest is the key
There are lots of really good blogs about healthy sleeping from experts on the topic – I have shared some of the things that have worked for me. Good luck.
January 10, 2017
#Cancer-Free for 20 Years Excerpt

Chapter Twenty Excerpt
Daily Dozen
There are certain things that I do on a regular basis and although I have shared most of them with you throughout the book I wanted to put the things which I think are important in the maintenance of my health in one chapter so you can easily find them. The daily dozen is not the whole picture of how I dealt with the #cancer diagnosis – it is only the 12 things I do now on a regular basis, 23 years later. The order of the daily dozen is not significant for me; I just do them in no particular order of importance, every day or once a week. Here is the first one on the list and i have started with number one; not because it is the normal rules to start at the beginning – my coaches will already know I do not follow rules – I chose this one because it is easy to do and will be a gentle start to your fitness programme.
1. Walking – every day I make sure I have done some form of exercise. During the week I walk about four to five miles a day around the country lanes. I power walk for the most part, excluding the hills where I generally slow down and take my time. When I say power walk, I think that is a bit of an exaggeration to be truthful because for some people a power walk is just below the speed of jogging and it causes breathlessness and sweating. I walk fast but not so fast that I am out of breath or break out in a sweat. I walk to maintain my health, not for any competitive reasons.
Monday to Friday I sit at a desk, sometimes for eight to ten hours, looking at a computer. I do get up every hour or less to grab a drink or visit the toilet to get rid of said drink. I know all this sitting is not good for my body, so come rain (and it does a lot of that in the West Country) or shine I go for my walk.
It is my belief that #cancer will have a harder time growing in a healthy body and part of being #healthy for me is to #exercise. NOT the sweaty #gym type of exercise (which is great for those who like that kind of thing – there is a horror story about gyms in the book, a must read if you are considering joining a gym) but just a gentle regular form of exercise. It needs to be easy to do, easy to maintain and increases health. Simple. If you look for a form of exercise which has these three things you will be able to keep going with your fitness way longer than you ever thought possible.
December 23, 2016

With Christmas only around the corner and the New Year right behind it, now is a great time to do some self #coaching. Look at the time in front of you and search for a specific moment over the next 10 day just for you. The time can be split over a few days or all together in one larger slot.
Find a quiet space where you will not be interrupted. If you are thinking wow that will be impossible, be #coaching creative. Will you be in the car on your own at any time? If yes, add a little extra time and pull into a car park as this will be fine. #LifeCoaching can be done anywhere especially when you are applying #coaching on yourself for yourself. You just need to find a time and a space for it.
I am assuming you have found the space and the time, here is what you do.
1. Reflect on the year just past and ask yourself, what went well, what could have been better?
2. Imagine you are now at the end of 2017 in the same place. Ask yourself ‘What one awesome thing did I achieve this year?’
3. Now plan how you are going to do this awesome thing. What, who and how can help you to achieve it?
#Life-coaching is a very powerful tool for change and it can be done by one of my expertly trained #life-coaches (who you could hire to ensure you achieve this awesome thing) or you can #lifecoach yourself. Make sure you take the arch with the awesome future not the arch of the brick wall to nowhere.
Whichever arch you take, I want to wish you huge #success, robust #health and infectious #happiness for 2017.
Curly Martin
November 8, 2016

Chapter Two Excerpt
Last will and testament
… Also as part of the preparation, I had planned to write my will before going into hospital. This part of the story might make you laugh; it always brings a smile to my face. Once I was registered at the hospital and I had unpacked, I realised I had forgotten to get a will made for me. Forgetfulness played a major part in my journey.
I panicked as I really wanted to leave everything in order in the event I did not survive the operation. I asked my nurse if I could pop out but she was not overly happy to let me out of the hospital because she had registered me. I explained that I had not written a will and needed to get a do-it-yourself will kit from the newsagents. The nurse was very understanding and gave me 30 minutes to undertake this task. On reflection, her understanding of my need to write a will could have meant many of her patients had needed one! Thankfully I did not make that connection.
I was really grateful to the nurse for bending the rules and I dashed out to the nearest newsagent, who seemed to have lots of these kits on sale, which was not reassuring. The question, ‘should I be worried about the easily accessible will kits?’ passed through my mind.
I bought a will kit and returned to the ward within the 30 minutes. I was sitting writing my will when this very handsome surgeon came along with 5 students. He asked me to pop on to the bed and then he noticed the partially written will sitting on the table. He declared ‘I had better do a good job as this lady seems to have a very low opinion of my skills!’ I was so embarrassed I could not find words to excuse myself. He laughed and saw the funny side of it.
Once he had moved on to the next patient I continued to sheepishly complete my will. The action of completing the will and putting ‘my house in order’ gave me peace of mind and I felt ready for the future, albeit with trepidation.
October 4, 2016

New book now available as a paperback as well as an EPUB and MOBI and 50% discount on the website. ‘A very interesting, amusing, and thought provoking book. A good, easy read. I love the fact that the author did not accredit her health and recovery to any one thing – but all the ‘little steps.’ Jackie Hammans
‘A lovely inspiring, uplifting and funny read. Reaffirms to seize the day, every day!’ Prue Gent
Throughout this book I will be telling you my story at each stage of my journey. What happened, how I handled it, the outcome (if applicable, or if it adds more information for you), what I was offered in the way of medical support, what I did, what extra things happened and any other titbits to inform and amuse you because as you will read here in the book, I believe humour is a great healer.
August 1, 2016

Finally my new book is now available on Amazon as a kindle book and the paperback version will soon be here.
Since my terminal diagnosis of breast cancer and an aggressive form of lymphatic cancer, over 23 years ago, I am now an international bestselling author, I have become the grandmother of life coach training, I have built a successful coaching business, I am married to a loving husband and we live in a fabulous house in the country. In 1992 I was told I had nine months left to live. This book is the story of my journey. I give you some of the strategies I used to overcome the cancer and how I created an outstanding life. None of this would have happened had I not been diagnosed with cancer. I am not saying this to impress you; I am saying this to impress upon you, that cancer can be the most powerful catalyst of change.
Throughout this book I will be telling you my story at each stage of my journey. What happened, how I handled it, the outcome (if applicable, or if it adds more information for you), what I was offered in the way of medical support, what I did, what extra things happened and any other titbits to inform and amuse you because as you will read here in the book, I believe humour is a great healer.
The book is written with a combination of storytelling and facts mingled together to entertain and educate at the same time. I understand this mingling of fact and fiction is now often known as a portmanteau edutainment. Whatever next? It makes the process sound like some syndrome, not the fun and excitement I like to combine.
If you are in the early stages of your cancer journey, you might find that the many things that happened to me, cause you alarm. Please do not be alarmed; not all the things that happened to me will happen to you. Probably not half of the things will happen to you, especially when you take into account the advances in cancer treatment which have been developed in the interim period. Remember, as you are reading, that I have written this book to reassure you that there can be a future beyond cancer and I hope that I also inspire you to live a full and varied life.
June 2, 2016

I am pleased to be telling you about my fledgling new book which will be available in July.
“A lovely inspiring, uplifting and funny read. Reaffirms to seize the day, every day!” Prue Gent
This book is very different from my Coaching Handbook Series and yet it also has some familiar aspects, such as, a summary at the end of each chapter for quick reference.
The book provides a combination of storytelling and facts mingled together to entertain and educate at the same time. I understand this mingling of fact and fiction is now often known as a portmanteau edutainment. Whatever next? It makes the process sound like some syndrome, not the fun and excitement I like to combine.
In 1992 I was told I had breast cancer and an aggressive lymphatic cancer with nine months left to live. This book is the story of my journey. I give you some of the strategies I used to overcome the cancer and how I created an outstanding life. None of this would have happened had I not been diagnosed with cancer. I am not saying this to impress you; I am saying this to impress upon you, that cancer can be the most powerful catalyst of change.
If you want to register your interest or to pre-order your copy simply send me an email or visit http://www.achievementspecialists.co.uk/life_coaching/books fill in the information request form and I will let you know the moment I put the book up for sale.
“A very interesting, amusing, and thought provoking book. A good, easy read. I love the fact that the author did not accredit her health and recovery to any one thing – but all the ‘little steps.” Jackie Hammans
January 11, 2016

I have completed many chapters of my new book which is about my cancer journey and how I have lived a happy and successful life since the diagnosis way back in 1992. I will be releasing small extracts from the book in this blog and I hope you enjoy reading them. I have as yet not settled on a title and this part of the process seems to be much harder than writing the actual book which is in its final reading stage.
Here is a small extract from the first chapter and to put you in the picture, the story so far – I had moved to Spain to live, found a small lump in my breast in the September and had been told by a consultant there was nothing to worry about. Then a doctor friend of mine came to visit. I asked him to examined me (in a purely professional way) as I had found lumps under my arm and he recommended I visit another doctor within the Spanish system to get a second opinion.
Chapter 1 – I Am Scared EXTRACT
On the 22nd December, after finding that the lumps had increased in size, I remembered that I should make an appointment with another doctor. I went to see an English doctor (who was charming as well as good looking) in San Pedro De Alcántara (picture of surgery entrance). He briefly Read More
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