It is easy to forget that you are in charge. Remember to update your business plans regularly. This does not mean that you have to re-do the complete business plan. It means that when you know you have completed a project or a major task you then put aside 10 minutes to re-assess where you are with your overall business goals. If you find that you are on target and still have many more projects to do, simply tick the box and continue. If you notice that there are gaps in the overall plan you can decide how much time will be needed to consider the projects or goals needed to keep you on track and then schedule the time to do this. This action will keep you in the driving seat rather than finding out at the end of the year you have taken a wrong turn and wasted time, energy and money going down the wrong way.

Tag Business coach
October 11, 2017

Insurance Is Important
It is very easy when working as a #life-coach or #business-coach to underestimate the level of insurance cover you need. There are many reasons for this under estimation which might include that you do not understand your legal liabilities or that you do not have an up-to-date valuation of your assets.
During our life coach training diploma we discuss the main types of insurance that life coaches and business #coaches should consider. We recommend that you take out a policy which includes professional indemnity and public liability even if you do not meet your clients face to face. Let me explain, public liability covers you in the event that you have claims made by members of the public for incidents which happen in relation to your business activities by covering the cost of compensation for: personal injuries, losses of or damage to property. You may feel that you are never going to have a client to your premises but there may be a time in the future when a wealthy or prestigious person wants to meet you before hiring your services and you decided to meet in a hotel. Anything can happen which may or may not be under your control.
Professional indemnity insurance (PI) covers your legal costs and any expenses incurred in your defence, including any costs or damages awarded, if you are alleged to have provided inadequate advice or services that caused your client to lose money. I realise that as life coaches we do not give advice but you cannot control the way the client interprets your questioning guidance. As business coaches there may be times where advice is asked for.
We recommend that you take out a policy which includes professional indemnity and public liability and if you go to our website
where you can get a quote for a wide selection of activities and you will also get the Achievement Specialists discount even if you have not trained with us!
August 7, 2017

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has been headlining the news. It was announced that it is being adopted by the UK ahead of Europe.
Since 16th February 2017, I have been posting some interesting and important details about the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which is expected to come into force around the middle of 2018 because I wanted my coaches to be prepared well in advance.
In my blogs on the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) I have looked at what was being proposed from a coach point of view. In the initial entry I explained the importance of coaches in knowing about the rules which will be coming in with the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and although all of my coaches will have a full understanding of the need to register and abide by the current rules I am sadly aware that many life coaching and business coaching courses are lacking in detail and especially within the business set up area. This a a critical area for coaches and it is my belief that they should be fully aware of their legal responsibilities before they leave the workshop part of the course.
My General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) post on the 22nd February covers the information you, as a coach, hold on your clients and suppliers.
Following up on the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) the posting on the 3rd March deals with privacy notices which will need to be changed in time for the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) implementation.
On 4th April I covered the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) again with an article on Rights of the Individual. Procedures coaches need to ensure all the rights of individuals include how you delete personal data or provide data electronically in a commonly used format.
The main rights for individuals under the GDPR will be:
• subject access,
• inaccuracies corrected,
• information erased,
• direct marketing,
• prevent automated decision-making and profiling, and
• data portability (updated one)
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has references to both ‘consent’ and ‘explicit consent’. Do you know the difference? I looked at this aspect in my post on the 8th June 2017.
I am concerned about the lack of information for the micro business which most coaches fall into. Please be aware of your responsibilities, as I know the coaches who have been on my workshops will be fully aware of.
Make sure you have registered and if not, here is the link
July 3, 2017

International Accreditation Body Gets New Name
The IIC&M are going through a comprehensive re-branding campaign that includes a positive change of name to. This welcome name change accurately reflects why they exist, how they deliver an inclusive accreditation service, and what the benefits are – for everyone.
David Monro-Jones, COO said ‘As an independent not-for-profit organisation, run by coaches and mentors, with over 15 year’s accreditation expertise, we are an authority on accrediting professionals in our industry. We don’t have our own training course to promote, and we are not driven by shareholders. Therefore, our sole focus is to make sure every single step of the accreditation process directly benefits our members, including the hiring public’.
David goes on to say ‘These changes are long over-due and are in direct response to demands for a website that represents our international members, an accreditation process that is more inclusive, vigorous and representative of high-impact practice and last but not least, we’re addressing the number one reason why more than 50% of businesses fail in the first year – we are launching a practical business programme called The Business of Coaching; a free monthly educational module which is linked to a member’s CPD, which means when practitioner’s up-grade their accreditation status, they’ll also have the opportunity to further develop relevant business skills to support their clients. This level of value added support is unprecedented, and will go a long way to plugging the much needed gap between skills and business acumen’.
The difference between certification and accreditation is often misunderstood:
ü Certification is verification related to products, processes, systems or persons ü Accreditation is verification related to demonstration of competence to carry out specific tasks. So accreditation is higher than certification, for example, students receive degrees, a type of certification, but it’s the university that has their courses accredited – often the reason why a student will select one university over another that does not have an accredited programme. Increasingly, the public are demanding to work with accredited professionals, it’s a key differentiator in choosing an expert, so make sure you stand out in the sea of sameness by becoming accredited now by visiting |
June 12, 2017

Have just completed the workshop part of the June #Life #Coaching Diploma Course which is the second part of the course and we had a very busy and fun filled time. Life Coach course reviews from fully qualified coaches:
‘I found The Life Coaching Handbook really comprehensive, deeply insightful, easy to understand and very practical – it really does cut through the coaching jargon present in many other coaching books. That combined with my decision to train with Curly Martin was a real winner. Curly offers the personal touch that so many training organisations lack. After just the weekend which was packed with motivational, inspirational material, expert guidance and hard core business set up advice and tips, I felt confident enough to start coaching straight away and I did!. It was the right decision to train with Achievement Specialists.’ T Groth-Andersen
We work at a fast pace by starting with a demonstration of non-directional coaching which is followed by the students coaching in real time. What I mean by this is, I do not use role-play during the coaching demonstration nor do the students pretend to coach in an imaginary situation. They actually coach for real; they review the goal setting exercise with the client, followed by using the #ICANDO coaching model. They investigate the topic the client has selected as important to work on today, explore the current situation and aims of the client. During this the fledgling coach will tease out as many different ways the client can take to achieve the aim/goal and discuss the outcome indicators, then,
April 24, 2017

Rights of the Individual
Your procedures need to ensure all the rights of individuals include how you delete personal data or provide data electronically in a commonly used format.
The main rights for individuals under the GDPR will be:
• subject access,
• inaccuracies corrected,
• information erased,
• direct marketing,
• prevent automated decision-making and profiling, and
• data portability (updated one)
The rights individuals under the GDPR are mostly the same as those under the DPA. Does your current procedures cover how you would react if someone asks to have their personal data deleted, how do you locate and delete the data? Who makes the decisions about deletion?
The right to data portability is new. This is an enhanced form of subject access where you have to provide the data electronically and in a commonly used format. You probably have all of these covered and it is also good to check before GDPR is introduced
April 13, 2017

I love Easter-time as for me it reminds me of all the positive aspects of Life Coaching and springtime. It moves on from death into new growth and because of all this new growth the animals start reproducing to maximise the opportunities of great abundance.
Easter-time and Life Coaching are full of energy, opportunities and new growth. Most people are excited when Easter-time arrives as it brings with it new life in all its forms and I always feel the same excitement when I am coaching my clients. Usually when a client comes to me for coaching they have been doing the same old routines a bit like the living dead.
Easter-time usually is accompanied by sunshine which brings out the best in people, it invigorates, it warms, and it lifts human spirits and provides the energy and impetus to take action. Life coaching does the same, it brings out the best in people, it energises clients, it lifts their spirits and confidence and it gives them the impetus to take action. It warms both the client’s and the coach’s hearts.
I love Easter-time and I love Life Coaching as both of them encourage growth and potential and I want to encourage you to grow to your potential so I have put together this Easter offer to inspire you to become the best you can be, so that others can, because of you.
March 29, 2017

Are you procrastinating and using ‘I have no money’ to stop you from becoming the best life coach ever! In fact, are you also using ‘I must be perfect and fully ready before I launch my coaching business’?
Listen up! I bagged my first business coaching contract with no marketing, no business cards and almost no idea! The contract was with a large insurance company to coach 20 managers in improving performance for both the managers and their individual teams.
Life coaching and business coaching had not become the multi-million pound/euro business at that time, it was only just emerging. My book, The Life Coaching Handbook. Everything You Need To Be An Effective Life Coach had only just been launched and was still steaming from the printing press. I did not know at publication that it was the first book worldwide on how to become a life coach. There were other life coach books but they all concentrated on how to life coach yourself not on how to become a life or business coach and run a successful coaching practice.
How did I get this contract? Read More
March 20, 2017

When setting your marketing goals remember to research your target market first. Think along the lines of, where they shop, what they read and how they interact with the world.
When putting your life coach or business coach marketing together think about what you can do for the reader (avoid what you cannot do), such as, save or make them money, save or make them more time, make them more efficient,etc. Extra coach marketing tip – do not put too much into it, keep your message simple and clear.
Remember to always include how they can get in touch with you, contact details, logo, groups you belong to and other important information.
March 3, 2017

You already have a Privacy Notice, don’t you?
The current privacy notices will need to be changed in time for GDPR implementation. Currently the process when you collect personal data is that you must give people certain information, such as your identity and how you intend to use their information, which is done through a privacy notice. Under the GDPR the extra things you will have to do is to explain your legal reason for processing the data, along with how long you will be storing or keeping the data and you also have to tell individuals they have a right to complain to the ICO if they think there is a problem with the way you are handling their data.