

HMRC quarterly digital tax reporting – Coaches you need to know this.

Coaching, News, Tips

HMRC are planning to bring in the requirement for all small businesses and self-employed workers to submit quarterly digital tax updates. I have already written to my MP expressing my concerns about the extra burdens this will put on my business as my accounts are prepared by an independent bookkeeper. More news on the subject – the Administrative Burdens Advisory Board (ABAB), has refused to support the Government’s plans.

Here is the extract from my March/April newsletter.

The local Federation of Small Businesses is concerned (as am I) about the Government’s plans to require all self-employed and small businesses to provide mandatory quarterly Digital Tax Reporting by 2020. They are asking members to write to the Financial Secretary to the Treasury, outlining the impact that the change will have on you and your business. I think that all coaches need to take action now to prevent massive workloads in the future. The FSB are recommending that you include in your letter, the impact that mandatory (rather than voluntary) Quarterly Tax Reporting will mean to you and your business and ask within the letter that the Government will ensure any decision to proceed with Quarterly Tax Reporting is on a voluntary basis only.

Send a copy of your letter to the Financial Secretary to the Treasury, 1 Horse Guards Road, London, SW1A 2HQ and send a copy to your local MP.

Apparently, there is an Independent HMRC overseeing body, called the Administrative Burdens Advisory Board (ABAB), and it has refused to support the Government’s plans to force small businesses to submit quarterly digital tax reporting, according to the Federation of Small Businesses – which I recommend all coaches join: Apparently the ABAB are saying, “compulsory digital record keeping and quarterly online updates is not an approach we can endorse.”

The Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) said that the ABAB has used its annual report to underline Read More

The More The Merrier!

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I was contacted by Sarah Maber a journalist as she was preparing an article for the Boots Health and Beauty magazine (November and December issue). The article is along the lines of how to reduce stress and delegate at Christmas and is called The More the Merrier!
Unfortunately, you cannot read the article on-line which means a trip to Boots to collect your copy. The good news is that the magazine is free.
In the article she says that you need to silence Read More

Let your client drive the bus!

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Coaching Metaphor
Let your client drive the bus!

Remember that your client has all the resources they need within them and resist the temptation to give advice or directional contributions to the coaching session. Simply get on your clients bus and go along for the magical mystery tour letting your client do the driving and the coach becomes the passenger.

Passengers do not tell the driver how to drive, which route to take, how the bus functions, what to do in the event of an accident, they just watch interested in the scenery (behaviours) or asking the driver about the route (client background/goals/ideas) and which roads the driver could take to reach the destination (outcome). The passenger may mention a route they had heard about so the driver could have choices but the passenger does not drive and therefore the decision on the roads to take is down to the driver (client).

Sometimes the passenger points out things of interest along the way (successes/achievements) If the bus driver becomes lost you can look at the ordinance survey maps (Beliefs and Values elicitations) or the country map (goals) to decide which route would best get you both back on track towards the destination (outcome).

If the driver keeps looking Read More

The Law Of Three

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The Law of Three

The Law of Three

Colin Edwards and the Law of Three

Although is around ten years since I was last involved with magazine editing – or any other proper job for that matter – I still take an interest in the whole editing and publishing scene. This is how I learned about Trinity Mirror Digital research about readers’ attitudes.

Your awareness of their key findings could have a profound impact on improving the effectiveness of your print and on-line publicity material, whether you are a life coach, some other professional in independent practice or otherwise involved in business development. So, Ladies and Gentlemen, I offer you ‘The Magic of 300’!

People will only read an on-line item if it is around 300 words long. On most screens this allows them to see the beginning, middle and end of the piece in a single glance and then they can judge how long it will take to read it. There are exceptions, for instance, when readers have a keen interest in the subject matter. There is no need to do a word count if you keep in mind that a screen-full is about 300.

It takes around two minutes to Read More

How to get clients to see the power of goal setting

Tags: , , , , , , , , Coaching, Tips

Yellow-DaisiesThis is the fastest activity I know, which is easy to use, quick to use and gives a powerful demonstration of the importance of goal setting. I use it on the workshop part of the Life Coaching Diploma IIC&M Level 7.

Let me prove this in a simple way so that you understand. Please do the things I ask of you without looking to the end of the activity. By following the instructions you will experience the power and speed of this exercise and then you will be congruent when you use it with your clients! Congruency is paramount to building rapport. So get yourself ready to do the activity – are you ready?

Part One
Think of the colour yellow.

Now look around you and find everything that is yellow. Look behind, to your sides, above and below. DO THIS VERY QUICKLY. Go on! Have a good look for YELLOW in the room.

Great now stop looking around and click to go to part two. Read More

When it is better to go on, rather than turning back

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Dartmoor river
An interesting thing happened today. I joined a group of RDA volunteers for an end of term outing. We were going to go for a walk on the moors and then return to a beautiful Inn for lunch.

The sun was shining as we set off for our walk. After a short while walking on flat ground we came across a sharp decline which took us down to a moorland stream. There was the obligatory gnarled tree casting dappled shade over the running cool water. It was idyllic.

We then left the valley and started a medium ascent towards one of the moors famous tours. There was a little breeze and the sun was beating down. The group started to spread out as the leaders walked ahead and the stragglers slowed down creating a gap between us. I was in the lead group and after we had crested a mound on the tour we Read More

What does good health mean to you?

Tags: , , , , , , Book Extracts, Tips
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In line with my own definition of good health, where am I now?

I realise this seems a strange thing to ask you to consider. The reason I ask is because we are all at different levels of health and for some of us good health would just mean being able to walk up the street without getting out of breath. For others it means being full of energy. You need to determine your own definition of health before you will know if you have it or not. Spend some time thinking about the answer and write it down in your note book.

You are what you eat!
There are many sayings about what we eat such as Read More